I try to be here.
Face towards the Sun,
Letting all the shadows fall behind me.
I try to ignore the grief,
Caught in the back of my throat,
The heaviness pressing down steadily on my shoulders.
I ignore the empty spaces.
There's so much here,
Yet it's always little out of reach.
Always eluding,
Never really mine.
Still there's so much warmth here.
In the same way how my body was once held,
The way I traced faces,
Running my fingertips up and down,
Like I found the map to some lost treasures.
There's still so much grace here.
The way mother Earth holds beauty within her heart,
The way she holds me.
I try to fill light in those spaces,
Letting everything pass through my fingers like the wind.
They are not mine.
I try to ignore the losses,
Because I know love is here,
Because I know love is here,
Because I know love is here,
And I carry all of it.