Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Last Goodbye

Heavy thoughts weight my body down, as I try to lift my arms and move my legs. Sprawled across the empty room, blood wasting away from the slit wrists. Morbidity seizes me as my lungs seem they would burst. Tears of solitude cause the only motion in the room. Images of different people dance away from my eyes. A resilient voice calms me down as I take in my last breath and finally let everything go...


Lorena said...

wow, very intense and scary and sad.
"Tears of solitude cause the only motion in the room."
my favorite line.
loneliness is such a heavy thing to carry and so hard to escape. you expressed so wonderfully the desperation of this state of mind. i can feel it.

Rambler said...

Very Very intense. loved it!

The Voice said...

Isn't it odd how solitude can have such a double edge to it?

The Voice said...

Yes Tazeen,
The woman I spoke of was in fact you. I felt bad for not leaving your blog site address there directly but it turned out well anyway. I did see that she had visited you. Once again, through the power of the internet, three people have made a nexus that otherwise would never been possible.

I think what Lisa Ganda has to say is as touching and relevant as it is poignant.

I am humbled by your kind words and I thank you for them. However, in all candor, I believe in my heart of hearts most people in my country - and quite frankly, the world - think much as I do.

I am not certain whether you have taken notice of the banner located at the top of my blog. It is a quote from one of America's pre-eminent Supreme Court Justices. He is now dead but the fact that people of his caliber sat on the bench of the highest judiciary in my country gives me great comfort. I believe he is the quintessential American because he speaks for every person. His sage words remind me we must always remain aware that certain people or groups of people will look toward upsetting the balance of power and they are the ones who are most dangerous because they threaten the very existence of Democracy. Those are the people who present a perilous threat to Humanity because it is in their best interest to silence voices of conscience - voices of dissent.

I understand America does not enjoy the esteemed status it rightly should in the world today. As I reflect upon History, perhaps I am deluding myself to think that we ever did. I do know that our future hangs in the balance these days and I, as an American am doing all that I can to ensure that my beloved country endures based on the ideals and principals set forth by its founding fathers. I also understand this is just one blog and it is a very young one at that. Reading your kind words makes me feel good; it makes me see that I am in fact accomplishing something here. I am reaching out, as a Human Being across all borders and making connections with the same.

That it comes through this venue and at this particular point as I have posted this topic of Robert Kennedy’s Assassination is moving because his memory has been honored. His vision did not die 37 years ago. Posterity has smiled upon him. Like RFK, I love America but I also love the world, I love Humanity and I realize change can never come without commitment.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Indeed! I dare say I am as facinated with death as I am with life, and when I tell my friends that I am inspired by negative thoughts, depression, etc. they laugh at me. Still, the most profound insigt comes from negative energy. For within the dark side of life, we explore and learn to appreicate the beauty life. I am a duality ... as such I believe that everything must have an opposite for it to exist. I know no other way. I enjoy your Encrypted Diaries ... suffice it to say I understand ... we have commonalities. What amazes me is your age ... how wonderful it would have been for me to be as wise as you when I was twenty .. or even twenty-two. Bravo!

...Vindicated... said...


Ramla Akhtar said...

That you write of Death this way surprises me a little and makes me understand a lot why you appreciate, enjoy, and *live* life.

God bless you.

I wish you love

  I saw your doppelganger one day. I looked twice to see if it was you. The man was playing with his little daughter, his wife in a burqa by...